The ‘bedroom parents vs living room parents’ debate has gone viral – I’m the former and here’s why…

The ‘bedroom parents vs living room parents’ debate has gone viral – I’m the former and here’s why…

In a recent viral video, a mum drew distinctions between parents who spend time with their kids in shared living spaces and those who retreat to their bedrooms, leaving the kids to their own devices. Our deputy editor began to question her own choices after watching it.

Confession: I’m a living room parent. I see it as my ‘job’ to be in the same room as my kids almost all the time. Chilling out in my bedroom when the kids are around – even though they’re now 10, 17 and 19 years old – just isn’t my natural parenting style unless I’m sick or completely burnt out. Am I weird? Which type of parent are you—a bedroom or a living room parent?


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